Source: Hoopla Skateboards,2012 |
Samarria Brevard was just signed to the infamous Hoopla Skateboards team out of CA. Samarria is now teamed up with some of the veterans in the industry such as, Cara-Beth Burnside and Mimi Knoop. A native to Riverside,CA, the teen had been ripping for about four years now. She recently won the Supergirl Am-Jam in August an event that reconginzes street skills and solid techniques. As Samarria says "yolo," you do only live once, so let's get out there ladies and start cruising.
Check out Samarria's smooth style.
Hoopla Profile
Years Skating: 4
Favorite Skate Spot: Pirates In San BernadinoGreatest Achievement Skating: Winning 1st Place In The Supergirl Am Jam
Favorite Music: Dubstep
Favorite Food: Coney Island Hot Dogs
Why Skateboarding? Skateboarding Is The Only Sport That I Can Be Free Without The Stress
Samarria is certainly making strides in the industry, our friends at BLACK SKATER CHICK wish her the best!